what is love

Letting Go With Love

Letting Go With Love

So, there are people in the world, that I love, and it’s not safe to keep them in my life. When they choose to treat me poorly, without love, care, respect, forgiveness, compassion or mercy, it hurts and possibly could negatively impact my self-esteem. How do I let go of them with love?

I’ve worked through the anger, blame, betrayal and disappointment. I’ve reset my expectations. I’ve tried meeting with them each and confirmed they’re not emotionally available for friendship and still don’t know or trust me. The final step feels like really letting them go, release them back to the universe or place them in Allah’s Hand. Some part of me wants to hold on, saying “I love you. Don’t leave.” But clinging to an idea, a dream, isn’t love. Love between two people is an action word. Real love in the space between us are real actions between us. I don’t want to live with one-sided love anymore.

Love Is An Offering

Love Is An Offering

My love, imagine a blank, light-filled space. Place the Light of Allah, like a wall, next to you. Look at the wall and there’s a window. When a man truly loves you, he will stand at that window, respecting Allah’s Light between you, and offer his love to you, like beautiful flowers. He may offer one or a bouquet, but he will not cross the threshold, he will offer his love, delicate, beautiful, and patient, at the threshold. My beloved, know, “no” is as valid an answer as “yes”. He is an adult, he wants you to receive him, but without you, he is still whole. Your answer will not break or harm him, as long as your response is equally loving, meaning delivered with truth, mercy, respect and care.